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San Antonio, TX 78205

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Don’t face unnecessary penalties because of a probation violation. Call our office at 1-888-WE-FIGHT and 210-224-8200 or email us for a free consultation with an attorney.

Probation Can Be Revoked On A Technicality

At The Law Office of Shawn C. Brown, PC, situated in the vibrant city of San Antonio, Texas, we specialize in assisting individuals facing challenges with a state’s motion to revoke their probation. Our dedicated team of criminal defense lawyers boasts extensive experience and a steadfast commitment to our clients’ rights. With a reputation for tenacity and courtroom prowess, we stand prepared to vigorously advocate for you in courtrooms throughout the diverse landscape of South Texas. Trust us to navigate the complexities of your case and strive for the best possible outcome on your behalf.


What Is A Motion To Revoke?

Community supervision is an alternative sentencing option available in some criminal cases. A judge can grant two types of supervision. Direct probation may be granted in lieu of jail time after you are convicted, either by pleading guilty or a jury finding. Deferred adjudication allows you to keep a conviction off your permanent record by successfully completing probation.



When you are placed on supervision, you agree to abide by certain terms in exchange for the alternative sentence. If you violate any of the terms, the state may choose to file a motion to revoke your probation. When the state successfully proves its case, you could face the original sentence, which may include jail or prison time. Having an experienced attorney on your side during the hearing is crucial.


Needs results? In two recent motion to revoke cases, one of our attorneys helped one client stay on probation for his drug case by having the motion denied and another prove false allegations that the client had violated probation by drinking

What Are Some Common Conditions Of Probation?

A judge determines which conditions you will be required to follow while on supervision. In reality, these conditions are not always easy to follow. For instance, you may have to take time off work to meet with your probation officer or find the money to pay for drug testing. Yet, even a small, technical violation can become the basis of a motion to revoke.

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What distinguishes us is that when you reach out to us, you don’t merely get assigned to an attorney; you enlist the support of our entire legal team fighting on your behalf.


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