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South Texas, Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Legal Services

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Charged With A Crime?
The Right Move Is To Call Us

If you’ve been arrested or charged with a crime, you need to seek legal representation as soon as possible to protect your rights. At The Law Office of Shawn C. Brown, PC, in San Antonio, our experienced lawyers have the knowledge and skills to fight to protect your civil liberties and your freedom.

We Handle Misdemeanor and Felony Cases in all courts across South Texas. When you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, call us 24/7 at 210-224-8200 or email us for a free consultation.


The Law Office of Shawn C. Brown, PC, also provides help with expunctions and non-disclosure orders. These are basically legal processes that seal or close arrest records for past crimes for those who qualify. ​ With internet databases, information sharing and background checks for employment and financial credit becoming more prevalent in our society, it is important to put certain things behind you and protect your future.


We represent all citizens, no matter if you are legal permanent residents or an illegal alien in state court. We offer you experience, focus, accessibility, a prompt return of calls, flexible payment plans and the help of dedicated criminal defense attorneys and staff. ​ Call us 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-888-WE-FIGHT and 210-224-8200 or email us to schedule your free initial consultation. Hablamos español.

Compassionate Legal Advocacy: Treating You Like Family in South Texas

Serving South Texas, The Law Offices of Shawn C. Brown stands as an award-winning and highly respected firm known for its courtroom prowess. We pride ourselves on treating clients like family, regardless of their circumstances, ensuring they receive unwavering support and compassionate representation.

At our firm, you’re not just getting an attorney – you’re gaining an entire legal team dedicated to fighting for your rights. We are committed to providing personalized attention and aggressive advocacy to individuals and families throughout South Texas, because your success and well-being are our top priorities.

Assertive Defense for Assault and Battery Charges in South Texas

Allegations of assault and battery can have a significant impact on your life and reputation. With The Law Office Of Shawn C. Brown on your side, you'll have a dedicated team of attorneys ready to defend your innocence. We'll investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident, challenge witness testimony, and pursue every available legal avenue to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. If bail bonds are necessary to secure your release, we can assist you in navigating the process.

Aggressive Representation for Federal Criminal Charges in South Texas

Federal criminal charges require a high level of legal expertise and strategic defense. Our skilled attorneys at The Law Office Of Shawn C. Brown have the knowledge and experience to handle complex federal cases effectively. Whether you're facing charges for fraud, drug trafficking, or other federal offenses, we'll vigorously advocate for your rights and tirelessly defend your interests throughout the legal process. In addition to providing top-notch defense representation, we can also assist you in arranging bail bonds if needed.

Comprehensive Defense Against Theft Offenses in South Texas

Accusations of theft can carry serious penalties and tarnish your reputation. The Law Office Of Shawn C. Brown is committed to providing comprehensive defense representation for individuals facing theft charges in South Texas. We'll thoroughly examine the evidence against you, challenge the prosecution's case, and work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome, whether through negotiation or trial. If bail bonds are required to secure your release, we can connect you with reliable professionals who can assist you promptly.

Skilled Advocacy for Motion to Revoke Proceedings in South Texas

If you're facing a motion to revoke probation or community supervision in South Texas, it's crucial to have experienced legal representation on your side. The Law Office Of Shawn C. Brown has a proven track record of successfully defending clients against MTR proceedings. We'll diligently review the allegations against you, challenge any violations, and advocate for your rights in court to protect your freedom and future. Additionally, if you require assistance with bail bonds to secure your release, we can guide you through the process with professionalism and efficiency.

Criminal Defense Practice Areas We Cover


Closed Criminal Defense Cases

Recently Closed Cases

Explore our recent successfully resolved Criminal Defense cases managed by the skilled team at The Law Office of Shawn C. Brown P.C.

Our client was on deferred adjudication supervision for a violent felony. He is a Veteran and has made tremendous strides during his community supervision. During an argument, a call was made and he was arrested on allegations that he had assaulted two people which he denied. Attorney, Daphne Previti, gathered evidence, interviewed witnesses law enforcement had not and generally prepared the case for a contested hearing. On the day of the trial, the prosecutor waived the charges and our client remains on deferred adjudication without a conviction.


Attorney Daphne Previti was approached in assisting a family sensitive case involving a multi-facet investigation where a teenage child was caught up in a sexting situation. With their concern that the child could be both an accused person and potentially a victim persuaded into pornography distribution there were many steps Ms.Previti properly took in walking the family through the investigation with law enforcement and the children's advocacy center. In the end the family attained the peaceful resolution they sought without charges to their child.


One of our clients living with mental illness was serving out a term on deferred adjudication.  He was positioning himself for early termination of supervision and was making aggressive payments on his court fees to impress the Judge on his case.  After his case was paid in full, he began to receive letters suggesting that he was past due and that he must show up immediately to make payment or face consequences.  These letters were in error and caused him significant anxiety and distress.  Attorney, Daphne Previti, contacted several members of the County demanding that the abhorrent letters cease as they were causing undue stress amounting to harassment of a disabled person.  We received communication from the top that corrective action was being taken to ensure the letters would not be sent out any longer and the issue was addressed with the employee at fault.


Attorney Daphne Previti was retained by a client to fight for his right to bear arms. Our client was an elderly gentleman who had been threatened and assaulted by his neighbor. He purchased a gun and a holster for protection and wore it home. The neighborhood kids were excited to see it and he showed it to them. The neighbor called the police and our client was arrested for wearing the gun without a license to carry. Daphne reviewed the evidence, pointed out all the discrepancies in the neighbor's accounts and ultimately received notification that the District Attorney's Office refused the charges.



A client with a tempestuous relationship with some of his neighbors received several complaints by his neighbors that he threatened them over a period of several months. Attorney Daphne Previti reviewed the allegations and prepared detailed lists of the discrepancies in their statements and provided the client's account of all the times the neighbors had assaulted and antagonized him. The case was resolved successfully with a pre-trial diversion contract on one allegation in which our client agreed to take an anger management class and all three allegations were ultimately dismissed.


Our client had undergone a contentious divorce from a jealous ex-husband. They share a rambunctious three-year-old child. The child had a bruise on her back and when she was asked about it by her maternal grandmother, she said she didn't know how it occurred. When the father asked her about it, she said a boy at her day-school hurt her. The father disbelieved her and suggested alternate ways she could have received the bruise. He ultimately filed a report that it was caused by our client and she was arrested at her work for Injury to a Child. Attorney Daphne Previti reviewed civil transcripts from the family law temporary orders hearings, interviewed the maternal grandmother and other character witnesses, including adult children and her ex-husband, who've known our client for more than twenty years and never saw her even raise her voice at her children. She prepared numerous affidavits and presented them to the District Attorney's Office for their review and requested a dismissal. The case was presented to the Grand Jury, who no-billed the case meaning they did not believe there was enough evidence to go forward and our client was released!

Johnlee Flores

Was in a car accident last summer. Parents recommended them; they were able to help me on my injuries from start to finish. I highly recommended them as well

Jeffery Lopez

I want to thank you, Bryan Orihel for getting my case dismissed. Bryan was very professional and helpful. He worked around my schedule, made sure that there was never an issue about me being there. He was very reassuring and friendly during the whole case. I would recommend anyone to seek out help from him and The Law Offices of Shawn Brown.

Josh Perez

This law firm is immaculate and ensure they do the best of their abilities for their clients. Analisa Gomez represented me and she was a great attorney. She was extremely easy to get a hold of, was constantly in communication with me to make sure I had everything I needed in order and just through her actions I could tell she genuinely cared about my case/took her job extremely serious. Thank you all at The Law Office of Shawn C. Brown and especially to Ms. Gomez for all y'all did for me!

Edward Castillo

I highly recommend The Law Office of Shawn Brown. This is the firm you want by your side in the court room. I started with John and ended up having the pleasure to work with Bryan, but it was advised from the beginning that, that entire firm works as a team and that they do! My case was dismissed, and will be expunged! l am very pleased with the hard work and the time that led to my dismissal. Thank you again Bryan for all your help! I appreciate you more than you know. I could not have done this without you!!!

Josie Snell

I highly recommend The Law Office of Shawn Brown. We got the pleasure of working with Mr. Shawn Brown himself. We are very pleased with the hard work and the time that led to the dismissal in our case. Mr. Shawn Brown and his staff worked very hard to get the favorable outcome on our case. Thank you again for all your help! We appreciate you more than you know. We could not have done this without you!!!


Common Criminal Defense Questions

In Texas, criminal defense law raises numerous questions for defendants and those navigating the legal system. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

If you're arrested in Texas, it's crucial to remain calm and assert your rights. You have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. Exercise these rights and refrain from making any statements to law enforcement until your attorney is present.

In Texas, individuals may be eligible for expunction or nondisclosure of certain criminal records under specific circumstances. Expunction completely removes the record from public view, while nondisclosure seals the record from public access but may still be visible to certain entities like law enforcement. Eligibility criteria vary based on factors such as the type of offense, the outcome of the case, and the individual's criminal history.

Individuals in Texas have rights during police encounters, including the right to refuse searches without a warrant (with some exceptions), the right to remain silent, and the right to legal representation. It's essential to assert these rights respectfully and avoid escalating the situation.

Theft in Texas is defined as unlawfully appropriating property with the intent to deprive the owner of the property. This can include taking someone else's property without their consent, unlawfully acquiring lost or misdelivered property, or obtaining services without the intent to pay for them.

Texas law categorizes theft offenses based on the value of the property or services involved. These categories include misdemeanor theft (property valued at less than $2,500), felony theft (property valued at $2,500 or more), and various specialized theft offenses such as theft of a firearm, theft of livestock, and theft of trade secrets.

The penalties for theft in Texas vary depending on the value of the property or services stolen and other factors such as prior criminal history. Misdemeanor theft can result in fines and/or incarceration in county jail, while felony theft can lead to more significant fines and imprisonment in state prison. Restitution to the victim may also be ordered by the court.

Yes, under Texas law, the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property is not required for a theft charge. If you unlawfully appropriate someone else's property with the intent to temporarily deprive them of it or to use it for your own benefit without authorization, you can still be charged with theft.

Yes, if force, threats, or other aggravating factors are involved in the commission of a theft offense, you may face additional charges and potentially more severe penalties. For example, if you used violence or the threat of violence to steal property, you could be charged with robbery, which is a separate offense with its own set of penalties.

A motion to revoke probation is a legal proceeding initiated by the state to request the revocation of a defendant's probation. It alleges that the defendant has violated the terms and conditions of their probation and asks the court to impose the original sentence or a modified sentence.

Common reasons for a motion to revoke probation in Texas include failing drug tests, failing to report to a probation officer, committing new criminal offenses, violating restraining orders, and failing to complete court-ordered programs or community service.


After a motion to revoke probation is filed, the court will schedule a hearing to determine whether the defendant violated the terms of their probation. At the hearing, both the state and the defendant have the opportunity to present evidence and arguments. The judge will then decide whether to revoke probation and, if so, what consequences to impose.


If the court grants a motion to revoke probation, the defendant may face consequences such as incarceration, additional probation terms, fines, or a combination of these penalties. The severity of the consequences depends on various factors, including the nature and extent of the probation violations and the defendant's criminal history.

Yes, defendants have the right to challenge a motion to revoke probation in Texas. This can involve presenting evidence to refute the allegations of probation violations, arguing mitigating circumstances, or negotiating with the prosecution for a favorable outcome. It's essential to have legal representation to navigate the process effectively.

Misdemeanors and felonies in Texas are differentiated primarily by the severity of the offense and the potential penalties. Misdemeanors are less serious crimes punishable by up to one year in county jail, while felonies are more serious crimes punishable by imprisonment in state prison for varying lengths of time, depending on the severity of the offense.

In Texas, prosecutors can pursue domestic violence charges even if the alleged victim doesn't want to press charges. Law enforcement may arrest a suspect based on probable cause, and prosecutors can proceed with the case based on other evidence, witness testimony, or the state's interest in pursuing justice.

Assault in Texas is defined as intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person, threatening someone with imminent bodily injury, or causing physical contact with someone when the person knows or should reasonably believe the other will regard the contact as offensive or provocative. Battery, on the other hand, typically involves intentional physical contact that causes harm or offense. While some jurisdictions distinguish between assault (threatening behavior) and battery (physical contact), Texas law often combines these offenses under the umbrella of assault.

Yes, you can be charged with assault in Texas even if you didn't physically injure someone. Assault can include threats of bodily harm or offensive physical contact, regardless of whether significant injury occurs. The key is whether the conduct meets the legal definition of assault under Texas law.

Under Texas law, assault is defined in Section 22.01 of the Texas Penal Code. Specifically, assault is described as:

  1. Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person, including the person's spouse.
  2. Intentionally or knowingly threatening another person with imminent bodily injury, including the person's spouse.
  3. Intentionally or knowingly causing physical contact with another person when the actor knows or should reasonably believe that the other person will regard the contact as offensive or provocative.

It's important to note that assault in Texas doesn't necessarily require physical injury to occur. Threatening behavior or offensive physical contact can also constitute assault under the law. Additionally, Texas law recognizes various degrees of assault, including simple assault and aggravated assault, depending on factors such as the severity of the injury, the use of a deadly weapon, or the relationship between the parties involved.

The penalties for assault in Texas vary depending on the specific offense and the circumstances involved. Simple assault is typically a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and/or a fine. Aggravated assault, which involves more serious injury or the use of a deadly weapon, can range from a second-degree felony to a first-degree felony, carrying potential imprisonment for two to 99 years and fines.

Yes, Texas law allows individuals to claim self-defense if they reasonably believe that force is necessary to protect themselves or others from imminent harm. However, self-defense must be proportional to the threat faced, and the individual using force must not have provoked the altercation. A successful self-defense claim can result in acquittal or a reduction in charges.

Federal crimes in Texas are offenses that violate laws enacted by the United States Congress or regulations established by federal agencies. These offenses can range from drug trafficking and immigration violations to white-collar crimes such as fraud, bribery, and money laundering.

The consequences of federal criminal charges in Texas can be severe and may include lengthy prison sentences, significant fines, forfeiture of assets, probation, supervised release, and restitution to victims. Additionally, federal convictions can have long-lasting effects on employment, housing, and civil rights.

The federal criminal justice system operates separately from the state system in Texas. Federal crimes are prosecuted by United States Attorneys in federal courts, while state crimes are prosecuted by district attorneys in state courts. Federal courts have jurisdiction over offenses that violate federal laws or occur on federal property, involve interstate commerce, or have other federal connections.

Yes, plea negotiations are common in federal criminal cases in Texas. Prosecutors may offer plea deals to defendants in exchange for pleading guilty to lesser charges or providing cooperation in ongoing investigations. However, it's essential to have legal representation to ensure that any plea agreement is in your best interests and fully understood.

If you're under investigation for a federal crime in Texas, you have the right to remain silent and the right to legal representation. It's crucial to exercise these rights and refrain from speaking to law enforcement without an attorney present. Additionally, avoid tampering with evidence or obstructing the investigation, as doing so can result in additional charges.

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